
The New British Invasion (edita Firestation)

The New British Invasion (edita Firestation)

aviso: si pinchais en el nombre de cada grupo, podreis acceder a las webs de los grupos y escuchar/bajaros canciones de los mismos. Aunque no se si vale la pena. Yo lo he hecho y la mayoría de ellos -excepto The Pipettes y Lucky Soul, faltaría más- suenan a The Artic Monkeys...

New British Invasion

FST 070, 18 track CD album


This fresh masterpiece of a compilation is out on of may 2006. The CD will be presented by Firestation Records, Revolver Club and Intro. It features 18 tracks by new and upcoming bands from England. This record will be avialable via our distributor Alive. and of course, you can order it directely on our webpage. 

Please watch out for the releaseparties, taking place: 

12.5.06 Berlin, Roter Salon

13.5.06 Hamburg, venue t.b.a.

Live on stage:

The Boyfriends
The Lodger


After the concert there will be DJ sets by Revolver Club and Ship Shape Club. Presented by




Neat People - Phillipa Future (Demo)

The Pipettes - Dirty Mind

Milburn - Lipstick Lickin’
Rumble Strips - Motorcycle
The Boyfriends - Once Upon A Time (Demo)
Decoration - Pine
Harrisons - Wishing Well
Lucky Soul - My Brittle Heart
Keith - Hold That Gun
The Sequins - Nobody Dreams About Me
This Et Al - All You Ever Be Is A Dancer
The Bishops -I Don’t Really Know What To Say
The Brights - London Belongs To Me
Redcarsgofaster - The Pragmatist (Demo)
Rotary Ten - I Fear The Field (Demo)

The Lodger - Getting Special

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