Dickon de Fosca se va a Tanger y se encuentra a Shane McGowan
¡y se hace amigo de él!!! No se puede creer que McGowan sea un devorador de libros... Eso si, al Dickon se le olvida decir que en la foto -entra la pila de libros derramados por la cama- también hay un Mojo...
las fotos son impagables (ver http://dickonedwards.co.uk/diary/)
Deliciously, he (Shane McGown) was allocated Room 101 at the excellent ghost-ridden Hotel Continental in the Medina. Note that his bedfellow is not a person, but a pile of books. I get annoyed when some people compare Mr MacG to Ozzy Osbourne or the late George Best, as if all legendary over-indulgers are alike. I doubt those other two notably dissipated names are as literary-inclined as Mr MacG, whose collected lyrics were published by Faber & Faber. His travel bag included works by Joyce, Plato, Burroughs, Kerouac, Dorothy Parker, and the entire James Ellroy LA Confidential trilogy. There is decadence, and then there is Decadence.
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