Se terminó Tangents
Una pena, pero le entiendo cuando dice que “I want to listen to music and not feel the need to explain it. I want to hear records and not have stories to tell other than those which stay inside and say simply that the records make me smile or cry. I don’t want to have to explain myself. Most of all I don’t want anyone to care what I think.” Cuando escribes mucho sobre música, acabas hasta el gorro. HASTA SIEMPRE, AMIGO
Pd: Preciosa la foto de despedida
Texto de despedida: Stains on a DecadeTen years is a long time. It is a lot of words and a lot of memories. But everything has to end sometime, and for a whole number of reasons, it feels like one of those moments now. Because sometimes you just have to ask yourself if you keep doing something out of genuine love, or simply out of habit. There are many kinds of freedom, but at the moment the freedom that I yearn for most is the freedom from expectation. I want to listen to music and not feel the need to explain it. I want to hear records and not have stories to tell other than those which stay inside and say simply that the records make me smile or cry. I don’t want to have to explain myself. Most of all I don’t want anyone to care what I think. Thanks to everyone who has contributed words to the site in the past decade and to everyone who read them.You can continue to follow John Carney’s ‘Shivers Inside’ series at and you can access his 50000 Reasons series at
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