la pose de Math and Physics Club
Mucha foto en bibliotecas, mucha pose intelectualoide, para luego afirmar que "a nosotros lo que nos gusta es Harry Potter..."
What's the last book you read?
(Slightly embarrassed) I wouldn't necessarily call it high literature, but lately I've been reading the Harry Potter books.
Hey, that's cool! I'm of the opinion that reading is reading--it doesn't have to always be some sort of high-art literature.
This is going to sound very twee, but the books are really fun and there's a lot of imagination to them, and I like that. They're an escape to read.
What prompted you to decide to read them?
It was really just curiosity, mainly. It's been such a big thing for a long time now, and I have a lot of friends who have read the series, and I guess I finally just caved in. We were taking a plane trip, and I thought, "Okay, I'll read it on the plane," and I got sucked into that world, and I started reading one right after the other. I think that's how it happened for a lot of people, though. It's an escape, but it's a fun thing to do, you know?
Had you been avoiding them because they have been so popular?
I don't really do that, but I just figured that they were kids' books. I kind of read whatever I feel like at the moment. I wasn't sure I'd be that interested in them, but I found them to be really creative, and it got my imagination going, and I like that!
Growing up, were you much of a fantasy reader?
I wasn't. In fact, I wasn't much of a reader growing up. I didn't really start reading until I turned about 30. All of a sudden, I felt like something turned on inside me, and that I should start reading more. The weird thing is, I've always loved books. That's the strange thing. I've always loved going into book stores, buying old books and classics, and I'd think to myself, "Someday, I'm going to read all of these!" (Laughs) But then something turned on inside me, and I started reading them.
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