Vuelve Shelflife Records con tres fichajes nuevos, de los que sólo destaco los suecos DAYS
Esto es lo que escribió de ellos el blog de rainfelldown:
This is the best one yet, I promise you! Janglepop is back. This is probably the Best Swedish Band Ever, at least just as good as Happydeadmen. They're called Days, and I won't tell you any more about them, there's no need. Some of us have had a feeling that guitars were on their way back, and with Days the future of Swedish POP! has been secured for, well, as long as Days are around. Go to Stockholm and see them in November. The only comparison I can think of is St. Christopher, and how's that for a comparison? There are more heavenly sounds on MySpace. Discover Days, get to know them, be their friends, and give them an affectionate hug every night before you go to sleep. Don't be scared to get happy.
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