
La Banda Sonora de What Have You Done Today Mervyn Day de Saint Etienne

La Banda Sonora de What Have You Done Today Mervyn Day de Saint Etienne

Imagino que con las imágenes ganará la cosa porque con la música sólo me he aburrido un poco.

Eso si, se oye a Debsey haciendo coros y eso si que es una maravilla


what have you done today mervyn day? - is a creative documentary about the lower lea valley, a vast but largely forgotten swathe of land on the east side of london on the brink of a massive redevelopment programme as it is transformed from industrial wasteland to the site of the 2012 olympic games. the film is made in a semi-dramatic style set over an imaginary one-day period on the day after the olympic decision was announced - also the day of the terrorist attacks in london. saint etienne provide the original musical score and they are a band heavily associated with london. from their first album, 'foxbase alpha' (1990), to their most recent release, the critically well received, 'tales from turnpike house' (2005) they have drawn inspiration from, and celebrated their love for london.


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