
Strawberry Whiplash

Strawberry Whiplash

Otro grupo de Glasgow con nombre compuesto-derivativo (de STRAWBERRY switchblade y de meat WHIPLASH), con sonido retro C86 y con los bababas más bonitos que uno ha escuchado desde The Shop Assistants. Su demo se puede bajar desde

Atención especial a "Who´s in your dreams" (Y tienen una canción que ¡no llega al minuto!) 

Sounds Like shop assistants, jesus and mary chain, talulah gosh

"Are you scared to get happy?"

Sandra, Laz, Paul and Duncan are Strawberry Whiplash. Based in Glasgow, Scotland where everyone is in a pop band. It's in the blood, it's in the water and it's in the contract. Once described as a cross between Strawberry Switchblade and Meat Whiplash, go figure. I thought that all the good names had already been taken, but no, they just needed mixed up a bit.

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