
MP3 gratis de Loveninjas

MP3 gratis de Loveninjas

es el nuevo single: "I wanna be like Johnny". Para bajarse la canción: (también el nuevo single de The Radio Dept y cosas de -estos no valen mucho- Ingenting)

Según la nota promocional, ya tocan sin las mascaras (¡menos mal!) 

Loveninjas started with a strict concept playing in ninja-masks, a giant heart costume and writing lyrics about sex, japanese girls and ninjas (mostly all at once). The whole thing ended abruptly when they forgot their heart costume in Stuttgart after a gig this spring. After that they put their masks aside and wrote their best songs ever.

»I wanna be like Johnny C« is one of those songs. It's dancey guitar pop at it’s finest. Tor, singer and songwriter of the band, may sing he wants to be someone else, but track is so so full of self-confidence, attitude and is so expressive it’s impossible to believe himr.

The EP features three exclusive tracks that won't appear on the upcoming debutalbum »The Secret of the Loveninjas«.

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