El nuevo single de The Legends

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Another super snazzy Pop single that’s been playing lots here has been The Legends’ ‘Play It For Today’. Like the Irene single, this is on the ludicrously prolific and classy Labrador label, and is as catchy and quirky as you should have come to expect. More electronically orientated than their stunning dreampop drenched debut Up Against The Legends set, but not as Cure infected as the Public Radio album, this sees The Legends finding some kind of marvellous middle ground where kids daydream of pink plastic keyboards and heart shaped rose coloured glasses. And I swear if I were sixteen today I would be wandering the corridors of my school with a Legends badge proudly pinned to my purple lapel, rebuffing the taunts of my asymmetrically haircutted peers and forging my lonely furrow into the future. As it is, I’ve got ‘Play It For Today’ ringing out in my head and in my heart, filling me with the urge to get up and get out, to continue to plough that same furrow for today and evermore. It reminds me that no matter where you are, no matter how invisible and isolate you feel, you can always have a friend in music, can always rely on the strength of song to pull you through.
© 2006 Alistair Fitchett
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