
Avalancha de reediciones de Pizzicato 5

Avalancha de reediciones de Pizzicato 5

La discografía al completo además de dos recopilaciones: una seleccionada por el gurú japonés del easy listening (el dueño de la tienda moodsville) y un best of con canciones elegidas por Konishi Yasuharu

A 5th anniversary of the break-up can’t go without a bang... As you can see below, most of Pizzicato Five’s Columbia catalog is being re-released on the new columbia*readymade label.

Pay particular attention to the two new greatest hits albums "Pizzicato Five no meikyokushū" and "Best" (listed at the top), respectively selected by Moodsville’s Hirabayashi Shinichi and Konishi Yasuharu.

The re-releases will include a combined release of the first 3 Columbia EPs, "London-Paris-Tokyo + This Year’s Model + Readymade Recordings", totalling 18 previous releases available once again. The track lists are same as originally, but the artwork is said to have been redone.
A bit puzzling is the catalog number hole between "meikyokushū" (COCP-50906) and "Best" (COCP-50918)... Could there be 11 more releases on the way?

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