"Me and Alison had mutual friends. I liked her voice for what anybody would like about it - the absolute purity that I felt was the perfect vehicle for The Song. It was like a clean sheet, something you could project anything on to and it would fit. Maybe I also felt that if she sang these very personal songs, there would be an abstract quality to her voice that would create a disengaged relating of the tale, in the same way an actor would perform a spoken word CD."
Devine & Statton fue un duo compuesto por el líder de Ludus y la ex vocalista de Young Marble Giants y Weekend.
Sus dos lps acaba de ser reeditados por LTM con temas extras: "The Princess of Wales" (con "Under The Weather (Paco Trinidad Remix) In The Rain (version) e "Instrumental"), que contiene además una nueva portada realizada por el diseñador Benoit Hennebert (apuntalo en tu lista de diseñadores de los 80 junto con Peter Saville y Vaughan Oliver) y un maravilloso texto escrito por el mítico Everett True (The Legend!)
"Cardiffians" (("I met people in Japan who had visited Cardiff because of Cardiffians", remarks Devine) por su parte contiene cinco extras (Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue (12" Version), Advertisement, Hideaway (Donini/Mertens Remix), Take Me Or Leave Me y Giving In To Sin) y otro nuevo texto de Everett True.
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